Wednesday, October 14, 2009

English is FUN!

13th & 14th October 2009
a group of 10 teachers from Singapore came to Darul Aitam, Orphanage. for 2 days..
9.00am till 4.30pm!

alhamduliLLAH, everything was great and went smoothly! Thank You Allah! Thank You ALLAH!

We were very HAPPY with the success of this program. We were very delighted and honored to have the enjoyable games and very interesting learning activities.The KIDS like and ENJOY
IT very much! alhamduliLLAH
It is a wonderful feeling to STAND HERE and have new experience with the teachers from Singapore, something that is hopeful and BRIGHT! making a difference in people's lives in Darul Aitam Orphanage through teachers efforts that came far far away from Singapore!

CONGRATULATION'S! and warm THANKS for having chaired so kindly and so SUCCESSFUL!

Director program from the High Achievers, Mr Juan

these are the activities that the Darul Aitam kids did!
DAY 1 : introduce their names and hobbies ( throw the ball and say it LOUD! )..
first2 to semua malu2 kucing, sebut nama, aiyaaa punya la perlahan..pijak semut, CONFIRM tak mati punya laa (dlm hati nie, eee kalau tak? jerit2 macam operah cina jeee.) sabar jelah..>,<
create a creative mask by using a paper plate ( it's all about art and creativity!)
aa bab nie saya suka sgt, ART kan, bidang yg saya jatuh cinta..hehehe, ank2 yatimnye,
creative! saya terharu! =) alhamdulillah
yg geramnyee ada yg lukis..eee ooo eee ooo..harap dapat faham ye apa yg dimaksudkan itu..saja je bdk2 nie menguji tahap kesabaran saya..terkejut hampir
tergelak pun ia, tapi control..gelak sikit jew =)
games, games! ( games including with learning lesson, i like it! and should do it in my class!
game, game nie bestt..ank2 yatim sukaaa sgt, saya lagiiii suka....ENJOY IT!
learning English season 1...(simple words, communication,quiz, spelling )
semua belajar asas2 sahaja, memang diaorg sgt2 lemah bab English, so saya syorkan pada cikgu2nya, ajar mereka asas...kalau tak, jawapnye ternganga la mereka..tak faham...zzzzz lalat pun masuk..=)

DAY 2 : continue learning English season 2 ( bukan prison break, season 1, season 2 ye=) ) all about English >,<
waaa sekarang ank2 yatim da pandaiiiiiiiii, pasnie saya ajar English tak perlu translate BM! yeahhh! diaorg sekarang cakap English ngan saya..
comel jew walaupun byk silap nyee..takpe, saya akan perbetulkan selagi mampu..mmm nak gelak ada..mmm bayangkan laa ada ker patut dia suruh cikgu2 dari Singapore yg non muslim...".Lets go and SEMAYANG!"...haiihh yaa..>,<
magic, magic, magic! (learning magic! using your mind and knowledge!)
pasnie leh jagi magician! hahaha
balloon, balloon...!! ( create lots of different shapes! )
balloon nie best! alaa yg cam clown buat selalu tu...kali nie dapat byk...pastu leh wat design sesuka hati kita yer...=)
present gift for the best, improvement, creative students!
semua hadiah2 besttt!
photography season!
semua seronok tang ambil gambar nie kannn...kenangan kan? =)
anak2 yatim : bye-bye, thank you teacher! come again next time!
waaaa da terror la anak2 yatim nie....keep it up!!!!

After this, they are deciding to come back here, and do some painting and doing mural on the wall..inside the classroom, outside the hall..hostel .and the list go on! thank YOU!....

that's all for today..

salam >,<